Organisational Development

Nothing is as constant as change – an old adage that is more relevant than ever. And change is happening faster and faster. So that you can keep up with changes, we work with you to develop a vision for the future and a mission statement, a plan for employee retention and recruitment, an organisational structure and communication culture. In doing so, we pay special attention to leadership. Our methods of organisational development and above all our neutral, analytical view safeguard you and your company from insecurities, inefficiencies, loss of productivity and yes, also from conflicts.

Organisational Development, International Cooperation

Make it grow (MIG): sustainably growing vegetables in Zanzibar today

by Marieke Behrens

Organisational Development, International Cooperation

How the Africa region is leading the way

by Marieke Behrens

Organisational Development, International Cooperation

Development journeys of organisations in the agricultural sector – observations in South-East Africa and insights

by Horst Haller

Organisational Development, Developing Rural Areas

#IYFEP meets TOP Kurs – Synergies in the AHA

by Thorben Persch

Organisational Development, Developing Rural Areas

The AHA after 15 months of pandemic

by Dr. Andreas Quiring
