From 27-29 September 2022, the second Trainer Day was held in Eschborn, looking out onto the Frankfurt skyline. On the first day, Dr. Charlotte Cordes provided an insight into the “provocative” coaching approach. Participants familiarised themselves with a range of new tools and exercises in very humorous fashion. The day was rounded off by the meeting involving trainers from all the countries. With good music and fine wine it represented a first opportunity to get to know one another.
On the second day, the focus was on the exchange between the German and African trainers. Mansankho from Malawi opened the day with his drums and the great words “We see each other with our eyes but through our heart”. These words accompanied the 61 participants throughout the day. After learning about each other’s cultures through various interactive exercises, there was an update from AHA’s various business units. Again and again, great discussions and exchanges took place between the trainers. It didn’t matter whether in German, English or French, because the entire event was simultaneously interpreted.
Thursday, as usual, was the day of the international business division. After Cynthia from Burkina Faso had contributed even more energy to the group with a song, individual projects in Africa and India were presented. This involved a look at the various activities of the individual countries. With the help of the dialogue on successes and challenges, participants received new ideas and food for thought for their own activities.
“What connects us and what are the differences and similarities in the training courses in the different countries?” Answers to these questions were to be found during these Trainer Days. Exchange and looking beyond our horizons offered food for thought, especially for our own training courses. This meeting will be remembered for a long time and we are looking forward to the next event of this kind.
*Not only in Germany do b|u|s courses exist, but they are also offered (in modified form) in countries such as Africa and India.
Impressions Trainer Days Autumn 2022
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